The Quiet Gold Rush: Why Central Banks Are Hoarding Gold While Investors Stay Away

While investors remain largely absent, central banks around the globe are quietly accumulating gold at an unprecedented pace. Despite gold prices consistently breaking new records, the typical retail mania for precious metals has yet to appear.
A quick look at Google Trends reveals the ongoing lack of retail interest in gold, despite its stable performance in the market. Over the past year, search volumes for terms like “gold price” have stayed mostly flat, showing that the average investor hasn’t turned their focus to the precious metal. Usually, a spike in searches for phrases such as “buy gold online” or “gold ETF” would indicate growing interest in gold as an investment. However, these terms have shown little movement, pointing to a broader indifference among retail investors. Even with its reputation as a safe-haven asset, gold hasn’t drawn the mainstream attention one might expect, especially in uncertain economic times. This lack of …
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