Everyone loves to get something for free. This is true of almost everyone who frequently surfs the web as well. Website operators are constantly looking not only for ways to attract new visitors, but also ways to keep them coming back. If you are looking for a way to increase website traffic, consider using a tactic such as the Give Away. By giving away free stuff on your site, you will likely attract many more visitors. You can also keep these visitors coming back frequently by offering new free stuff each month. If you are interested in see the results of your website traffic improve, then consider using these five ways to give away free stuff.
Donated Goods
You may be interested in trying to give away free stuff on your website, but you may not be willing to spend your own money in doing so. If this is the case, there are options for you. You can always network with other companies who will essentially give you their products to showcase and give away from your site. Local businesses are the first place to look, as they usually are very willing to help fellow town citizens. You can also go to larger corporations if you know exactly who to contact and make sure they realize that they too would be receiving free advertising from allowing you to showcase their products. Usually you won?t get enough products each month to offer to every visitor, so make sure you mention that only the first 30 (or the equivalent of products you have) visitors who sign up will receive the products.
Monthly Contests
Website visitors love contests and many of them are willing to visit the same sites each day just to enter to win something free. Therefore, by offering free stuff through a contest, you are likely to get visitors to return on a daily basis. Set the rules to state that each visitor can only enter once a day if you like. Purchase a good prize or get one donated and give it away to the random name drawn from the entries. This is a great way to get the attention of many consumers, especially if your prizes are extra interesting and worthy.
Personalized Items
One interesting tactic is to give away merchandise with your website?s name or your business?s name on them. Items such as shirts, hats, towels, cups, and key chains are perfect for this task. The idea is to keep people coming to your site for free stuff as well as to look around. The extra perk with this strategy however, is to allow them to be your advertisers as well. If they wear one of these items out in public, there are likely thousands of people who will be exposed to your business passively. This is a great idea and can be done through many methods including contests or loyal customer incentives.
Referral Prizes
If you really want to spread the word on your website and get more traffic than ever, you should consider giving referral prizes. You can set your system up to allow each visitor to send an automated email from your site asking him or her to visit. If the visitor is willing to offer up 10 or 20 valid email addresses, then you can offer them a free prize. The prize can be as small or large as you wish. This is the perfect way to get more traffic while also rewarding those that are helping you along the way.
Reminder Emails
After you choose the method of how you plan to give your free stuff away, consider offering reminder emails to those who love to participate. You can offer initial free stuff to those that sign up, like a key chain. This is a great way to get that traffic to continue after the visitor?s initial visit. You can remind them monthly that there are new things to see at your site and they will likely visit more often. You can also use this not only to remind them of free stuff being given away but also to tell them about deals or other offers you have for them as well. They are likely to forward these emails on to friends they think might be interested as well.