First impressions are everything. At least, that is what they say. But anyway, this statement makes perfect sense in the case of the recruiter’s first impression for a curriculum vitae. And truth is writing a good CV is not an easy task. Competition is still stiff in the job market. Each candidate wants to get the job and would do whatever it takes to reach that goal. Creating an effective CV can help stand out from the crowd. If you sent out your CV everywhere and get no results, here are some tips to help you create a good resume.
All things you need to know before writing a CV
Before starting to find and compare CV templates online, ask yourself certain questions. Indeed, the easiest way of building a good CV is to take into account the needs of your future employer. For this purpose, you have to imagine which matters are important to the company, what profile is it looking for. Then, remind yourself of who you are as a candidate. Think about the values that define you and how they can serve or hinder the job you are targeting. Before “selling” yourself through your CV, it is always good to remember who you are, your strengths and weaknesses.
Then, focus on your strengths, on what you can bring to the company. Take a few minutes to think about the profile the recruiter is looking for (skills, qualities, experience, training, personality, etc.). In other words, you should be able to get a good idea of the company’s requirements. Realize what makes you special about the job and how it can help the business that requires your services. Remember that many people will have similar degrees, but with different qualities, skills and motivations.
Focus on the details of the content
Your resume has only few seconds to get a recruiter’s attention, he won’t read it word for word. How will you stack up ? Make sure you write a catchy personal profile. Keep it relevant. Highlight your career objective and your skills. Focus on your work experience with the most recent position. Of course, you can target the position directly if you respond to a specific offer.
Also, if you want to be hired, demonstrate that you are qualified for the position you’re applying for. Distinguish yourself from other job seekers to get hired faster. Thinking that a long CV such as writing long descriptions of responsibilities will impress headhunters is a huge mistake. Don’t submit a resume longer than 2 pages.
Organize and Structure your CV
Current technologies provide you with advantages when it comes to CV templates. If you have any doubts about how to put together your curriculum vitae, you can download one of the resume templates of a CV creator and customize it as you wish. Each of them has a key structure so you can present your training in the best possible way. When you start writing your document, you will have the choice between different web pages offering a multitude of models, and even the possibility of composing a more sophisticated design thanks special software like Photoshop.
In general, online CV examples are editable by sections, which will allow you to organize them in the order you find most appropriate. However, it is important not to overuse creativity or extravagance when developing them. The whole document should be unique but sober, airy and catchy at the same time.
Avoid Spelling and Grammar Errors on your CV
Spelling and grammar mistakes are particularly damaging. Why? Because you may discourage the recruiter to keep reading. Basic resume errors can be avoided, it just need a lot of effort. First, be sure to double-check your CV and if you can ask someone else to proofread it, that would be better. Run spellcheck so you won’t look like you are careless. You can also use online tools to help you spell check your resume. Last but not the least, think quality but not quantity.
Remember that to pursue any goal, responsibility and effort will be needed. Therefore, if the recruiters like you, they are more apt to cut you some slack.